Maneet Chauhan Weight Loss: Loses 40 Pounds Through Lifestyle Changes

Celebrity chef Maneet Chauhan has been open about her struggles with weight and desire to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Over the past two years, Chauhan has lost an impressive 40 pounds through diet and exercise changes.

Embarking on a Wellness Journey

In 2021, the Cookbook author and longtime Chopped judge realized she wasn’t feeling her best physically. Though cooking was her passion, years of sampling rich foods had caught up with her. At 5’3, Chauhan tipped the scales at over 200 pounds.

“I knew I needed to make my health more of a priority if I wanted to keep up with my busy lifestyle,” she explains. “I was tired all the time and just felt unhealthy.”

In consultation with doctors, Chauhan decided 2021 would be the year she got serious about weight loss through diet and exercise.

Modifying Her Diet

Chauhan worked with nutritionists to overhaul her eating habits. One major change was cutting way back on calorie-dense fried foods, butter and cream. She also began experimenting with the tenets of the Paleolithic diet, emphasizing meat, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds.

Portion control was critical—even when sampling decadent dishes for work. “I became very mindful of how much I was eating.”

Meal prepping on Sundays helps Chauhan stick to her plan of primarily whole, unprocessed foods. “Having healthy snacks and lunches ready to grab saves me from poor decisions when I’m rushed.”

Adding Exercise

The busy TV host knew she couldn’t out-exercise a poor diet. However, activity was crucial for burning extra calories and building strength.

Chauhan began doing interval training 3-4 days a week for up to an hour at a time. These high-intensity workouts alternate bursts of cardio with strength training. Occasional longer sessions of yoga or pilates round out her routine.

Positively Impacting Mental Health

Along with physical results, Chauhan says improved body image and self-confidence motivated her to keep going.

“Losing weight and getting fitter allows me to really enjoy and appreciate my life more. I have so much energy now!”

Knowing her role as a public figure, the chef wants to use her platform to inspire realistic, sustainable weight loss. Reframing wellness as self-care rather than self-criticism is vital.

“Mental health plays a huge role in being able to care for our bodies. I’m learning about that balance.”

Keys to Her Success

When asked about keys to her 40 pound weight loss, Chauhan emphasizes:

  1. Mindfulness – Being aware of why you eat and when enough is enough
  2. Meal planning – Prepping balanced meals and snacks avoids impulse eating
  3. Accountability – Finding community and tracking progress keeps motivation high

While her schedule is still incredibly demanding, Chauhan carves out time for fitness and healthy cooking. She sums up her new mindset, saying:

“Instead of dreading exercise, I look forward to it. Caring for my body has become an act of self-love.”


Q: What is Chauhan’s target weight?

A: Chauhan has not publicly shared a specific number but says she aims to feel healthy and strong while maintaining a sustainable lifestyle.

Q: What was Chauhan’s diet before losing weight?

A: She focused less on nutrition, often grabbing fast food and indulging in rich dishes. Portions were also too large.

Q: How long did it take Chauhan to lose 40 pounds?

A: Though her lifestyle changes started in 2021, the majority of weight came off over the past year with consistent diet and exercise.


At age 44, Maneet Chauhan continues to impress fans with her cooking skills and business savvy. By opening up about her weight loss journey, she also inspires followers to pursue healthier lifestyles. Chauhan’s balanced approach focuses on holistic wellbeing over crash dieting or extreme restrictions. As she models sustainable behaviors, this is an important lesson for all.

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